Friday, 2 November 2007

Wes Craven Openings


Wes Craven films (A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream) usually incorporate the death of a female character, presented as the protagonist. They also usually involve the villain of the piece, for example in Nightmare.. Freddy Krueger kills the character of Tina in the opening section of the film. These females who die at the beginning of the films are usually quite rebellious and promiscious, for example Casey is home alone waiting for her boyfriend to come round, whilst Tina has sex with her boyfriend. In comparison, the film usually goes on to focus on another female, who in comparison is a "do-gooder": an innocent girl who is sensible and does her work rather than sleeping around. This is shown in the character of Nancy who wants to focus on her school work rather than sleep with her boyfriend.
The film also normally focusses on the killer, and often creates cult status for these characters. Freddy Krueger is a prime example of this, as he is the central figure of the sequels to Nightmare..., which hardly ever have recurring heroes or heroines.

This is very similar to the idea we had, as we wish to kill off the victim shown in the first section of our film and focus on the killer.

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